Since I came back from my week-long business trip, I've been thinking what to post. Before I was just spontaneously coming up with stuff or I went to interesting places and it just triggered my thoughts and emotions. But it didn't happen. Why? I think I'm finally getting used to Tanzania; now, not everything seem so exotic like it did before... oh wait, does that tell you anything about my personality or personal life? ok let's stop lol
ANYWAY, it is both good and bad. But for the moment, this process of getting-used-to-the-new-things isn't completed yet, it seems. I was looking at the pictures from the business trip and I felt that I should share these photos with you (whoever may still be reading)!
Business trip No.?: Consultation Visits to 4 District Hospitals in South-Eastern region of Tanzania.
Ok, please don't generalise too much from my pictures, of course there are hospitals in city, but the places I visited look like this...
But what the hell is Consultation Visit?
Well, we + Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of Tanzania are promoting this concept called 5S-KAIZEN-TQM (Total Quality Management) now in 21(? I think) hospitals, and it is planned to be disseminated to 37 hospitals across the country in the next 4 years.
5S-Kaizen is a management philosophy developed by Toyota, for quality improvement and continuous quality management. The S's are;
Seiri (Sort/Sasambua)
Seiton (Set/Seti)
Seiso (Shine/Safisha)
Seiketsu (Standardize/Sanifisha)
Shitsuke (Sustain/Shikilia)
(yes, it's all translated into English and Kiswahili!)
and "Kaizen(改善)" means something like "further improvement" in direct translation.
Why this?
Because this is what you see in these hospitals...
I must say, these are seen everywhere I went, and I'm not exaggerating. Well, wards (the last one) look relatively okay -then again, maybe not? maybe I got used to it..
I follow your blog, Saki. It is beautful to see, how passionate you are about your chosen career, how you care and ponder upon improving things. like a real professional! Proud of you :)
ReplyDeleteaww Egle! thank you so muchly! My life here is pretty thought-provoking... I often think too much and get lost in my thought tho! lol